This book only exists as a product of the entire community of individuals who have inspired me and whose names can generally be found in the footnotes and text. For each I have a unique feeling of gratitude and appreciation.

I would particularly like to acknowledge Arthur Bloch, James P. Driscoll, Gertrude Schmeidler, and Saul-Paul Sirag, -- for their friendship and criticism. Additionally, special assistance has been received from John Beloff, Adrian Boshier, William Braud, Stephen Braude, Irvin Child, Henry Dakin, Douglas Dean, Brenda Dunne, Jule Eisenbud, Martin Gardner, Patric Geisler, Barnard Grad, Keith Harary, James Harder, David Hoffman, Albert Krueger, Angela Longo, Ted Mann, James McClenon, Rammurti Mishra, Robert Morris, Thelma Moss, Carroll Nash, A. R. G. Owen, Ted Owens, John Palmer, Harold Puthoff, Dean Radin, K. Ramakrishna Rao, Kathlyn Rhea, William Roll, Milan Ryzl, Jack Sarfatti, Helmut Schmidt, Berthold Schwarz, Ray Stanford, Charles Tart, William Tiller, Jessica Utts, Larissa Vilenskaya, Graham Watkins, Rhea White and Arthur Young and the S. F. Theosophical Library for the generosity of their time and resources.

Additionally, I am beholden to over a hundred other individuals who have freely revealed to me many of their deepest thoughts in the course of the Thinking Allowed and InnerWork video interviews which serve as a general background to the revised edition.

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